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APRIORI. Series: Natural and engineering sciences

Electronic scientific journal «APRIORI. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences". Issue №1

Research and Publishing Center priori invites you to publish the results of their theoretical and empirical research in the electronic scientific journal

«APRIORI. Series: Natural and Technical Sciences "

The journal is registered as a media outlet. Certificate number: EL FS number 77 - 55506.

The target audience of the magazine: students (students, undergraduates, graduate students) and staff of higher and secondary educational institutions; members of scientific institutions and other stakeholders.

Shape magazine distribution: network electronic peer-reviewed periodical does not have a printed version.


- Biological sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Agricultural sciences
- Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Chemical sciences
- Physics and mathematics
- Engineering
- Computer science, computer facilities and management
- Construction and Architecture
- Energy

Conference level: 
Conference type: 

No materials

Участников конференции: 5
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